Finally checked out what the craze about this snack was about! First of all though, it's called 世界で2番目においしい焼きたてメロンパンアイス which translates to 'second yummiest freshly baked ice cream-melon-pan in the world'. Bragging and disclaiming at the same time lol.
It's near my workplace and every time I pass by there's a long queue! All the way down to the end of the street on weekends. And when I walk pass it the smell makes my mouth water *_*
If you don't know what Melon pan is -- its a sweet bread with a layer of cookie crust on top. It does not taste anything like melons, though sometimes they are colours green on purpose so it looks more like one haha.
The bread is kept warm in the oven until you order and then they slice it open and sandwich a whole block of ice cream in!!
So anyway! We ordered one to share (or more like I stole a few mouths haha).
Ice cream and cookies. Nothing can go wrong with that! And then it was warm warm buttery bread with cold gooey ice cream. Double yum! But somehow it didn't blend together completely.
Maybe it was the hot and cold? It was like ice cream and bread were walking together and not holding hands. Then again I like ice cream tempura so I dunno lol. Overall still nice, but I probably wouldn't eat it again.
八天堂(Hattendō) has really good chilled mini ice cream-melon pans though \(^o^)/ they were almost like ice cream cream puffs but just nicely thawed with super delicious custard. Such a treat on a hot day!
mhmmm I want to eat Melonpan right now *_______*