OMG I just came back from the funnest (got such a word or not?!) run ever! haha
Those of you who've known me since secondary school will be thinking,"huh wth this Shion Yee. Last time NAPFA 2.4KM also cannot pass, now run what!" NO JOKE I FINISHED 5K HAHA.
But okay I admit lolol. I have never ever passed a one of my NAPFA 2.4km or heck primary school 1.6km run. Always the super unfit kind that had to retake the whole NAPFA test because I failed my 2.4. But to my credit, my sit-and-reach and sit-ups were always A okay!!
I digress. Back to the main topic.
Today I went for The Color Run!! (omg urge to spell it with a "u"). SO FUN! :DDD ok it was more of a The Color Walk/Jog because we were chitchatting and strolling most of it :x
So the last time I was back in Singapore in summer I saw the run being featured on TV or something and I was like, "eh these people are crazy. Who pays $50 to get paint thrown at themselves while running! Pay me $5 I throw tomatoes at you for free. $5 is for me to buy tomatoes" But it was so fun it was totally worth it!
For some reason, when I found out that it was also going being held in Tokyo I got super excited lol. Maybe it was the thought of being able to go crazy in public in Japan, I don't know but I really wanted to go. So I asked the people around me and had very little response at first. I was like :(
Then I posted on facebook and yay! found like 6 other people from the CoFesta Awesombassadors to run with me! :D
Our run was at 10am (didn't wanted to go too late in case it was hot or rained or someting) which meant we had to get there by 9.30am to get our T-shirts and leave our stuff at the locker area etc. It was held at the outskirts of Tokyo (Sagamiko which is btw a super BEAUTIFUL place) that takes about an hour to get there from Shinjuku on the Chuo line so we had to take the train that left at 7.35.
Guess who woke up late and almost forgot the confirmation postcards :x
Thank goodness for Rapid Express trains though dasdalwaklkmd saved my ass. ilu Japan!
So we got there and there was already a whole sea of people (人海人山) queuing to get onto the shuttle bus (which was not free walao) to the place. Luckily the queue was so long, lol. Yone forgot his running pants so he ran to an obasan shop to get them and when he got back we were still only just about to board lol.
Picture before the run.
Team CoFesta! Me being Singaporean in my purple FBTs hahaha. walao I jump so high still not as tall as Berekk D:
Many cool people dressed up like in costumes haha super cute lah. Japanese people are so creative gotta love them. Definitely will do something cooler next year!
I stupidly left it in my bag at the tents so here are some pictures from the other awesombassors who were
Group of cute girls in their secondary school PE uniform!
I have no idea what this group of people were but they were cool! haha

Starrrrrrt! Spot the awesome afro wigs.
Berekk was our official selfie cameraman for the day cos he is so good at it! Got strong potential to be an influencer HAHA. It was so sunny though, and I was so glad for the sunglasses. Olivia was wearing pair of limited edition New Balance sunnies that the DJs were throwing out for people to catch and Yone got them! Status of Berekk's face: Green + pink
The course was kinda rocky/slopey though so it was kinda hard to run at first so we ended up walking most of it but it was over so soon! Too soon! We were thrown with 5 colours in total, 1 colour for 1km I think. Quite cool! Blue→Yellow→Green→Pink→Purple at the finishing party!
FINISHHHH! Didn't feel like 5K at all lol. When I do 5k in the gym I'm always so bored and tired but this was so fun! After the run there was a finishing party with awesome music, free red bull and cool dancers and LOTS OF COLOUR! :D You get like a packet of colour each after that and just go crazy with it haha.
What to do after finishing the color run and you have paint all over your face? Camwhore duhhhh ;D no need to edit for pimples lol. I was Blab-ing with peirong and she said I look scary though ToT whatever!!!
Group photo! ;D Apparently this is some pose from a manga called Jojo or something?! I have no idea what that is and I really need to check it out because the poses are really awesome :x
Company's ikemen duo :D
More cool costume people! Again, I have no idea what they were hahaha. #cooljapan
Matching Colour run tattoos with Jannie! Awesome! :DD
Photo with Marta when we were queuing up for food. We were so hungry after the run! Also look at that guy in the spandex suit and wig hahahahah
With Cassie!! There were like sausages and Yakisoba but I was craving sweet stuff so I got like this 50cm long churros nomnom.
And then I found out from Edgar that churros is Mexican! Tacos and Fajitas and now even Churros?! wth I love Mexico.
We sat under the Sakura trees and munched. Fun run + Sakura afterwards?! Nothing gets better than this :D Except the trees during the run itself were mostly barren lol. Berekk's face update: Green+pink+purple
And that's Cassie joining in the Radio Workout as a cool down exercise. It's like a workout that Japanese school children and salarymen do it every morning in school or something so everyone around us was doing it.
Oliviaaa! So chio under the trees with my nice meitu filter lah haha
One last picture from Marta of when we randomly joined in one of the other finishing parties! (there was a run every 20 min so that meant a party every 20!) Berekk's face update: AVATARRRRR!
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