(warning; selfie-heavy post :x)
Haven't updated for a while! Was really busy last week organising an awesome tour with a group of super pretty bloggers +one of my idols which omg I want to blog about but don't know where to begin lol.
(check out my instagram @sheepieshionie for pictures! my part time job is so awesome)
Anyway I am going to talk about today first.
Today I went with a group of pretty cofesta girls for a fitting session with LucyPop! In case you haven't heard of them, they are a brand specialising in uniform fashion. They actually make many of the pieces together with real highschool girls!
Because girls in Japan love wearing uniform (and boys like looking at them), they wear it everywhere even if they don't have to. If you go to a disneyland, even on a Sunday, you'll probably see more girls in uniforms than in shibuya on a weekday or something.
When I went on exchange in highschool to a highschool in the middle of Shibuya, almost all the students wore uniforms. It wasn't until I noticed that most of them had different coloured skirts/blazers and asked why that I found out that they didn't actually have a fixed uniform. o_o
It doesn't stop there. Apparently some highschools started producing better results after changing their uniform to a cuter one -- because all the girls all started wanting to get into that school! And then the boys too. Maybe some schools in Singapore can try that too haha, then there will be less problems with all the kids trying to get into the escalated top schools...
So anyway, they briefly explained to us what their company was about and how AKB48 started a craze in uniform fashion blablabla. Most of us were interested -- but not that interested, until it was time to try on the uniforms. We each tried on 3! Once we started trying on uniforms it became a selfie-fest lol. I'll just let the pictures do the talking lol.
Olivia and I had matching sailor uniforms first hehe. We got super excited to try these on!
(All pictures are meitu'd because my new BBCream really sucks and it oxidised and made my face so black omg. and of course I also slimmed my face a bit in some pictures :x )
With Gift! She is so awesome at posing omg. Srsly need to take some posing lessons from her.
Felt like I just graduated from highschool all over again. Only this time much cuter hehe.
This, btw was my real school uniform in highschool, though usually without the tie:
See what I mean? XD
Anyway. Next, Sunny and I had matching uniforms! I never thought I would wear something like this ever in my life. I don't know if I would call this a school uniform though... seems more like a maid uniform but omg super cute. 超かわいい!! Love the cut of the pinafore though. Hides my thunder thighs and makes me look skinny around the waist hehe.This was the point when I テンション⇗⇗⇗ Makes me want to work part time at a maid cafe lol.
Yeah so basically I was very happy in this uniform and went around taking selfies HAHA.
With Berekk! I had to take this from a really high angle because he is sooo tall lol. But good lah so my eyes look bigger HAHA. Give me a few cm please Berekk D:
Everyone fishing for their phone and cameras
Selfie time!! Olivia looking cute in her dress!
With Gift and Mriam! They had blazers for their second uniformmm urayamashii ToT
Yone joining in the fun hahahaha ikemen!!! ダイエットしましょう!!
(even after editting my face is so dark here!! stupid BBcream I am chucking it into the bin right now)
My third uniform was a polo-shirt one piece. Wasn't excatly my favourite because I felt like it accentuates my super fat thighs D: oh well the tie was cute though, haha.
After a while we decided to go for ponytails because it is apparently the in thing now! hahaha.
Omg Mariam's face is so small my face looks big even after meitu ToT
everynyan nyannyan♥
omg Roosa super cute I had to take a photo
:D Group picture!
And a picture with the boss! He was super happy to see all of us so excited over the uniforms haha. Hopefully they do well overseas! Though most of their clothes seem more like a costume than uniform to me they were really well made and high quality and very comfortable to wear. I srsly hope they can work with some of the schools (especially HC or nygh lol) to make the uniforms in Singapore cuter.
I love my part time job! :D
It's all so colorfulllll <333
ReplyDeleteHi Shion! You have totally inspired me to take the plunge and move to Japan. May I know what you work as and is it hard to find work in Tokyo?
ReplyDeleteHi! I'm so sorry I'm only replying to this now... I didn't notice I got a comment >< I am still a student currently :) Finding a job in Japan might be difficult depending on how much Japanese you speak and what you want to do!