Trip to Muji part 2.Tried out muji's heart shaped florentine DIY kit! :D

As a continuation of my previous post of my trip to Muji and all their Valentine's stuff, I am going to review Muji's heart shaped florentine DIY kit! :D This was so fun to make and delicious nomonom :D

Says on the box that it's supposed to take 60min to make 10 of them so I timed myself, haha.

Everything already came pre-packaged and all I needed was 40g butter and egg yolk. I'm keeping the egg white for making macarons with :D 

Then I started the timer!

First step, get the butter into a creamy consistancy with a spatula and add in the egg and cookie mix and continue mixing.
I took two minutes because I thought I was supposed to whip the butter lol. fail.

Emptied the contents of the cookie mix into the bowl :D 
The instructions on the box was like "be careful not to mix in the stuff that keeps the thing dry (whatever the name for that is)" and I totally didn't notice until I saw the pink package sticking out from the flour in the bowl :x

Step Two. Mix in the flour with the spatula!

That sounded easy enough. But after a while I was panicking because my dough didn't seem to be coming together and was contemplating adding milk or something. Then I realised I hadn't finished reading the instructions:

When it's well mixed and crumbly, knead it together with your hands.

Duhh. The butter needs to be nice and warmed up by my hands to melt and hold everything together. -fail- okay I admit I have never made cookies before. Maybe like twice or something a few years ago lol.

YAY! It all came together into one nice ball! hehe.

Step Three. Divide the dough into 10 portions and push it around into the moulds with your finger so it's even.

This was hard because 1. I suck at dividing things up. I can't even cut a nice circular pizza into 8 equally lol let alone a ball of dough into 10! and 2, the moulds were made of paper so they weren't holding the heart shape very well, so it needed some extra moulding and that took quite a long time.

Step Four. Poke holes in the dough with a fork to make sure it cooks evenly. 
As you can see I didn't poke them very evenly :x

Step Five. Melt the caramel sauce in a double boiler at 80deg
nooo D; I didn't have a food thermometer, and didn't want to wash an extra bowl so I cheated and stuck it in the microwave on high at 5s bursts (took me 2 times) until it was nice and runny

Step Six. Preheat oven to 170 degrees
Step Seven. Mix the almonds with the caramel sauce and divide equally between the 10 cookies, try to separate the almonds so that they don't overlap

This was also hard because I really, really suck at dividing up stuff so I had not enough for my last cookie, but I made up for that with a genius idea which I will reveal in a bit. And also, seriously, if I was going to make sure the almonds didn't overlap it would take me the whole night or something lol.

Caramel all shiny and pretty! :D 

Finally done. As you can see I already took 52min at this stage even though the whole process was supposed to only take 60min including the baking time of half an hour :x
It seriously took me super long to get the dough into the molds and divide up the stuff equally D; 苦手苦手苦手(=nigate =to suck at doing something)

And then notice how the cookie nearest to my phone looked so sad with so little caramel sauce! D; So I had an idea -- since it's Valentine's I added some chocolate chips! :D

  I would say 滥竽充数 but these Ghirardelli chocolate chips are pretty damn good so no, this wasn't making up for the lack of almonds with lousy stuff!

Into the oven for 30min! :D yayyy

These made the most amazing smell in the oven I tell you! Buttery smell of the crust and the sweet smell of the caramel, nothing beats that. 

Done!! My cookies ⤴︎
Muji's picture if the cookies. ⤴︎

They were a little soft right out of the oven but after cooling them down they were nice and crispy :D My cookies definitely looked different from the ones on the box though HAHA. They were kind of burnt from overbaking even though I followed the recipe exactly. Two of the cookies in the corner was so burnt I had to throw them away TT_TT I think my oven is kinda hotter than it says it is, happens pretty frequently :/ 

And so that's it! My pretty heart shaped florentine cookies made from Muji's DIY kit. I took about 90min in total though hahaha and I would definitely watch my oven closer next time >_< 

I always thought DIY cookie mixes and stuff didn't taste very good but these were really nice (despite being a bit burnt) though troublesome, considering mixes are supposed to be, super easy. It basically just cut out the trouble of having to measure the flour and sugar, which doesn't really take much time. But I guess making the caramel sauce would have been a pain. 

Overall I'm pretty happy with how it turned out!  But I'd say use a cookie cutter to cut out the heart shapes instead of moulding them. And I think my addition of chocolate chips was pretty awesome haha.

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