Omgosh last week was super crrrrazy awesome! Thanks to Esther, I signed up as CoFesta Ambassador where a small number (?) of students from overseas get to take part in cool events as an Important Person of some sort (this time we attended in as press and with overseas merchandisers haha) and the first event I attended was just last week: Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Tokyo! wooooohooo
In 3 days, I attended runway shows, worked backstage for a one (!!!), went to a buyer's show as press :x and met many awesome people :) (including Beckii Cruel, Miyake and the Yamada sisters!) Never would have gotten the chance if I didn't come to Japan. My head is still somewhere up in the clouds surrounded by pretty models trying to find its way back to earth haha. Going to school today was like :((( sad.
Oh well, on to the pictures! Sadly, I don't have camera so I was only able to snap pictures with my iphone that mostly turned out overexposed but here they are anyway :) It's all too much to stuff into a single post so I'll probably breakt it up into two or three.
Day One. RoomsLink! Nozomi Ishiguro's show. Press/Merchandisers exclusive hehe :D
This was the escalator of awesome. Everyone attending the event had to go through this escalator so watching this elevator was basically watching a fashion show already haha.
Waiting to go in! lots of people!
Beautiful dimly lit stage complete with chill music. The collection itself was very interesting; it was like a mix of haute couture-y big dresses and casual street fashion sweaters and tees o_o
I really liked that outfit on stage but you can't see it in this picture >_< so I cheated and found it online. Stars and stripes + heart bodice! There were lots of stars and stripes in his collection, I wonder what's with that? haha. It was really cute with the heart motif though :'D
At first, the models went down the stage in the center and we were like "aw man we won't be able to see a thing!"
Then they walked right in front of us :'D I want that sweater! though it probably costs an arm or something, haha. And look at that awesome hair.
I guess you can't really tell from these (bad) pictures but the models were styled really cool. (Damnnn I really wish I had a camera) Kinda whimsical but street at the same time.
Check out the rest of the collection here:
Well this was my first ever fashion show (besides Seoul Girls' Collection, which was relly more like FTisland and Kara's concert haha) and it wasn't really what I was excpecting, you know, like the too-cool-for-you avant-garde runway shows haha. But it was really chill and street and pretty damn awesome :D though it was over in like, 15 minutes and we were out in no time. whuuut.
And then we exited the hall and found a board for photo taking... XD
Super sweet Beckii and the Yamada sisters :D
So Anitha and I decided to join in the fun and pretend to be cool bloggers too.
We had a picture with Beckii! Jealous right 8D. More coming later
...まず身長から違うT___T これはどうしようもない。痩せてほそながくみせるしかない!!
And then to end things off we filled our tired and hungry bellies with cheese-gyudon at a Sukiya nearby, lol :'D I mixed it up before getting a picture of it D: oh well. :'D
Well that's it for part I guess! Hang in for the next one, in which I helped out backstage for Atsushi Nakashima's show, and that was reaaaaallly awesome.
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