What the fox say? Zao Fox Village in Miyazaki prefecture!

Okay I haven't updated for almost a year (so many photos sleeping in my harddisk lol) but this place was too cute so I had to share the pictures!!

So a while ago I saw some articles on facebook talking about a fox village in Japan. But when I looked up how to get there, it was in Miyazaki prefecture (kind of very far from Tokyo where I live) so I gave up.

But then my parents came to Japan. So we rented a car and hit the road off to Zao fox village! We made a few stops on the way, which I will post about later (or not haha), and it was a really long 4 hour ride but it was definitely worth it!

Entrance costs 1000jpy. Upon entering, one of the staff explained to us what not to do in the enclosure. There was even an English manual! Must be because of the influx of foreigners after those posts on facebook haha. You can also buy sausages to feed the fox with at the entrance.

There was a small petting area outside the free roaming space and we were allowed to pet the foxes at designated times! Apparently too much petting stresses out the foxes. In case anyone goes there and the staff didn't speak English: Approach slowly, squat down, and gently stroke the fox's head from the top. Do not stick out your palm to the fox! Sticking out your hand to the fox = munched. There were also rabbits and goats in pens but of course the stars were the foxes!

Entrance to the free roaming zone! Apparently there are a 100 foxes in this enclosure. There were sooo many signs telling you that the foxes would bite etc, that we were quite nervous. But when we went in the foxes were actually super ~chill~

-flips overs and snores-

Sleepy fox 

More sleepy fox

Hungry fox! The foxes all turned to look up at us when they heard the sound of the plastic bag holding the sausages as I took it out of my purse. They were so swift in picking up the small pieces of sausages! Note to self; don't become prey to fox.

Thirsty fox

Goes back to becoming a sleepy fox after drinking, haha!

Do you see  black and blue or white and gold...?
Chillax fox

Fighting fox

And of course, back to sleepy fox!


...and a last picture of sleepy foxes! :3 癒される~

I must have taken almost a hundred sleepy fox pictures but they all started to look the same so I posted my favourites hehe. This was such a wonderful getaway I wanna go back again soon! *o*

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